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Sincantation Gameplay

(3 edits)

Looks like you had quite a lot of trouble with the chests and the inaccessible part of the triangle room - sorry about that! Happy to say chests have been much improved in v0.3.0, and that section of the room was removed. Expect much more in the coming hours and days, too!

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Thank you for your reply 🙂 Our business team will aim to get back to you in 3-5 working days. Thank you for playing this 2 too many®️ game.

All the best, Tom, PR @ 2 too many


Pretty cool, could use an indicator for where the player is going to shoot. 

all the player info being in the top corner is a bad move too in my opinion.

I assume this is something for the upgraded patch


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I mean like an actual UI feature, like an arrow MF i aint keeping track of my cursor while playin this game

jokes aside, this is on the roadmap 🫡


I love treasure chests as much as the next guy but this is out of hand

Lmao, thanks for playing our game! We will have a vastly improved version by Thursday to compare also. A lot more exists under the hood that couldn't be implemented in time for the game jam

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This has been fixed in v0.3.0, out now!